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Mortgage Fraud Banner

Title professionals have a unique vantage point from which to observe, identify and thwart instances of fraud. Title agents are the independent third party to the transaction whose only interest is to the integrity of the transaction and the protection of the customer. Through training and experience, we hone our ability to spot improper transactions every day.


FREDDIE MAC - Avoiding Mortgage Fraud

Layman's guide to Mortgage Fraud, including examples and links to assistance.


MBAA-MBA Fights Mortgage Fraud

Complete one stop web sites for mortgage fraud information and news. Links to the FBI and reports by the Mortgage Asset Research Institute reports on Mortgage Fraud.


FBI Mortgage Fraud

A comprehensive overview of mortgage fraud in the US, Including links to news, real stories, and statistics.


National Association of Realtors - Field Guide to Mortgage Fraud

A compendium of mortgage fraud resources. Includes links to both federal and state law enforcement and regulators. Consumer friendly explanations of mortgage fraud to assist consumers protect themselves.

Allows consumers to track changes to their credit history and prevent erroneous and fraudulent transaction using their identity.


FTC - Identity Theft

A comprehensive web site on identity theft and its impact on consumers. Provides assistance to consumers who suspect they are the victim on identity theft.


FTC - Homes and Mortgages

Provides information about mortgages and the home buying process. Helps consumers defend themselves from being the victims of mortgage and foreclosure assistance scams.


BITS - Mortgage Fraud Prevention: An Education and Awareness Toolkit for Consumers

A report on mortgage fraud and how to avoid becoming a victim. Gives examples of common schemes and tips for obtaining a legitimate mortgage.


HUD - Don't Be A Victim of Loan Fraud

Tips to assist consumers from being the victim on loan fraud. Provides 11 tips to being a smart mortgage consumer.


Treasury Department FINCEN - Mortgage Fraud

News releases, reports, speeches and testimony from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

This section was prepared by Connie Powell Wick, Area Manager of First Attorney Title in Tampa, FL. 

Connie Powell Wick
Off: 813.899.8888
Fax: 813.792.4788

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