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InsideBanking is focused on helping bankers and people involved in commercial finance.  Due to the potential liability associated with environmental contamination clean-up, we have collected a series of tools and documents to assist you in understanding more complex parts of Environmental Assessment Reporting.  A special thanks to Jeff Lask for providing much of this information.


EPA - Emergency Management Home

EPA - Laws & Regulations 

Environmental Due Diligence Roadmap provided by Jeff Lask of the Environmental Sciences Corporation 970-506-1312.

Phase I Environmental Assessment provided by Jeff Lask of the Environmental Sciences Corporation 970-506-1312.

Environmental Questionnaire provided by Jeff Lask of the Environmental Sciences Corporation 970-506-1312.

Environmental Transaction Screening provided by Jeff Lask of the Environmental Sciences Corporation 970-506-1312.

NAICS Codes of Environmentally Sensitive Industries 

National Priorities List 

ASTM International - ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Use of an environmental questionnaire consistent with the standard issued by ASTM International is satisfactory to the SBA. 

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